Regeneration - The Sheffield Project 1981 - 1991
The exhibition is now open again until November 28th. The book has now been re-printed and is for sale in the museum shop or can be bought online.
The exhibition of this work was extremely popular when it was open. It is, of course, now under lockdown but you can see it on this 3D tour. Matthew Conduit has also published a book of the work which is now sold out. It is very well designed (apart from containing excellent photographers) and will doubtless be reprinted.
Image © Mark Harvey iD8 Photography. Some of the photographers who worked on the project: L to R back row John Kippin, Patrick Sutherland, Matthew Conduit, Graham Gaunt, Bill Stephenson, Iain Stewart. L to R front row Tim Smith, Berris Conolly, John Davies, Kate Mellor, Martin Hinchcliffe, who made the interviews for the exhibition, and Mike Black.
The Sheffield Project
The project, Regeneration, documents the changes happening in Sheffield during the 1980s and was originally organised by Matthew Conduit and showed at the Untitled Gallery (now Site). The project involved the work of about twelve photographers including Anna Fox, John Kippin, John Darwell, John Davies, and Kate Mellor. Matthew Conduit has collated a new exhibition consisting of work from Regeneration and a book is being published to coincide with the show. The exhibition at Weston Park, Sheffield Museums begins this October 23rd. Due to social distancing rules you must book a visit to the gallery.
© John Darwell. From Regeneration - The Sheffield Project
© John Darwell. From Regeneration - The Sheffield Project