Print Services

Outsiders Photography is based in Nanholme Mill and runs in conjunction with Foldworks.  It was founded by Kate Mellor and Charlie Meecham, established in 1988 as a bespoke print service for professional artists and photographers specifically for exhibition and portfolio printing.  Over this period we have worked on in excess of 1500 projects large and small for individuals at every stage of their careers.  In the early days we principally specialized in Ilfochrome (formerly Cibachrome) and C Type colour processes but have now moved to large format digital inkjet from either film or digital formats.  This process allows us to print on a much broader range of papers that can be selectively chosen to help enhance individual project ideas.  All customers are supported by having their print files securely archived into the future.  This means that previous work can be easily revisited and reviewed in its original format.  We are proud that we have maintained friendly and long-standing relationships with many of our clients which confirms our value.  All our clients are encouraged to spend time with us to ensure satisfaction with each stage of the process.