Modelling the Animal
Modelling the Animal has been exhibiting the photographic work of Charlie Meecham, Liza Dracup, Terence Wright, Charlotte Mellor Meecham, John Darwell, and Kate Mellor at Deanclough, Halifax, for a while and it continues until the end of April. So plenty of time if you want to see it.
The exhibition is laid out in the beautiful Crossley Gallery and there seems to be a bit of accidental logic to the hang. Charlie and Liza’s work is next to each other and both are concerned with the archive, Charlie focussing on the model of the dodo and Liza showing ‘skins.’ After that there is John, and then Charlotte’s work, and both touch on childhood, John detailing how his formative experiences have emerged as an adult photographer and Charlotte showing the stuffed toys that are still kept by their owners despite their decrepit condition. Lastly come Terence Wright’s photographs of show birds trained to pose and then Kate’s collaboration with Guilbert the cat. All photographers seek to share their insights on human and animal interaction.
Here is one of the responses from the comments book -
“Fabulous exhibition! Each and every artist has something special to say about the relationship between humanity and the animal kingdom.”
Liza Dracup. RE: Collections
John Darwell. Sharks in my Bathroom
L to R: Charlie Meecham. Dodoquest. John Darwell. Sharks in my Bathroom. Terence Wright. Still Lifes.